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[읽기자료] Algorithms & Techniques 본문

텃밭 1 : BlockChain/이론

[읽기자료] Algorithms & Techniques

parallelworlds 2022. 3. 1. 15:58

Public-Key Cryptography


Title of resource: What Is Public-Key Cryptography?

Description: A look at the encryption algorithm and its security benefits


Title of resource: Asymmetric Cryptography (Public-Key Cryptography)

Description: Article explains what Asymmetric cryptography is and how it works


Title of resource: Public Key Cryptography - Computerphile

Description: Youtube video that explains how public key cryptography works.


Title of resource: Basic Intro to Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Description: Article explains ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography)





Title of resource: What Is Hashing? Under The Hood of Blockchain

Description: An article that not only explains the basics of hashing but introduces a more specific type of hashing and how it affects the mining process.


Title of resource: SHA: Secure Hashing Algorithm - Computerphile

Description: Dr. Mike Pound explains how files are used to generate seemingly random hash strings.


Title of resource: Hash Functions

Description: Explanations and examples of simple hash functions and the hashing sequences of characters.


Title of Resource: Hashing demo

Description: This website contains a hashing tool.



Transaction Integrity


Title of resource: How Safe Are Blockchains? It Depends.

Description: Article explains the inherent security risks in blockchain technology, by going into the differences between public and private blockchains.


Title of resource: Blockchains: Embedding Integrity

Description: Article explains why big corporations and financial institutions are spending lots of time and money looking into Blockchain.




Securing Blockchain


Title of resource: Securing the Chain

Description: Article talks about the high profile blockchain incidents that have occurred and how organizations should move forward.


Title of resource: Is It Chain of Headers Rather Than a Chain of Blocks?

Description: Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Users comment on whether its chain of headers or chain of blocks.


Title of resource: What is a Block Header in Bitcoin?

Description: Article explains how to calculate and identify a block header.
